For this week, we decided to do something a little different. There will be no reviews whatsoever for this week. Instead, we will be predicting. It is roughly half-way to the 2010 Academy Awards, so we figured that we would pull out our crystal ball and try to predict the nominees and winners for the awards. The only catch is that we are only doing movies up to now, so there is much room for change. Nevertheless, here are our nominees and predictions:
Jamie Foxx, The Soloist
Johnny Depp, Public Enemies
Matt Damon, The Informant
Jeremy Renner, The Hurt Locker
Brad Pitt, Inglourious Basterds
TR: Jamie Foxx- Again he blows away the pack with another character of another level, from Ray Charles, to mentally challenged homeless musician, to the musical artist filling your airwaves with "Blame It," Foxx is one successful and talented dude.
EB: Jeremy Renner-Although he's a relatively unknown actor, when I was watching him play Sgt. James in this film, I couldn't help but actually believe that he was this character. Incredible job.
Meryl Streep, Julie and Julia
Hillary Swank, Amelia
Rachel McAdams, The Time Traveler's Wife
Abigail Breslin, My Sister's Keeper
Gabourey Sidibe, Precious
EB: Gabourey Sidibe. I have never felt so much for a character in a movie. She captures every single emotion so perfectly that this becomes a no-brainer to me.
TR: Rachel McAdams. Just cause I want to marry her and she's endlessly talented.
Michael Mann, Public Enemies
Quentin Tarantino, Inglourious Basterds
Kathryn Bigelow, The Hurt Locker
Spike Jonze, Where the Wild Things Are
TR: Spike Jonze. In no way do I expect him to be nominated but something about how this movie was directed made it one of the weirdest movies ever while being front to back enjoyable.
EB: Kathryn Bigelow. Again with the Hurt Locker pick, I think that Bigelow just gets the whole tension and caution of a bomb defusing squad absolutely perfect.
The Hurt Locker
Sin Nombre
Star Trek
Public Enemies
Disctrict 9
Goodbye Solo
EB: Surprise, surprise, I'm picking The Hurt Locker. I have never been more on the edge of my seat during a movie. This movie is perfect. Enough said.
TR: I've got to go with Public Enemies, it doesn't seem like the sexy pick but as of right now I am yet to be blown away by something better. Johnny Depp does a great job in a role outside of his whacky Tim Burton plots. Director Michael Mann, made this gangster film a great night at the movies.
A Christmas Carol
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
TR: Disney+Pixar= Gold. Up. Hands down. Squirrel!
EB: Up. The best Pixar movie to date. Possibly the most I've laughed at a dog in a movie. Good stuff.
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