Saturday, September 26, 2009

Top 8 Party Movies of All Time

8. Road Trip (2000)
A crazy race against time with Sean William Scott and his college bros as they try to recover their friend's drunken mistake caught on tape.
7. American Pie Trilogy (1999-2003)
You'll never look at apple pie the same way again.

6. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Sean Penn's big breakout role as a longhaired high school stoner.

5. Beerfest (2006)
Das Boot!!! Like Oktoberfest captured in a single movie.

4. Van Wilder (2002)
Ladies, we present you Ryan Reynolds. Enjoy.

3. Superbad (2007)
Judd Apatow's crowning comedy, but the cops almost spoil it.

2. Old School (2003)
Frank the Tank would have won this hands down if not for the movie that paved the way for all party movies. You're my boy Blue!!!

1. National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
Cult college classic with John Belushi (pictured above) started the party movie genre with togas galore.

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